MJMHSS  hosted its Investiture Ceremony to formally appoint the student office bearers on the 13th of June 2024, at the school’s cross platform . The event was graced by Ms. P.Santhi, the Principal.

Ms. Poongothai , Vice Principal, welcomed the gathering of students, teachers, and parents. Ms. Santhi delivered the presidential address, emphasising the role of leaders as changemakers, caretakers, and sources of inspiration by being more and doing more.

The Correspondent and the Principal adorned the Prefects, Captains, Vice-Captains, and Student Council leaders with badges and sashes.

During the ceremonial proceedings, the student leaders solemnly undertook their oath of office and were bestowed with their respective roles and responsibilities for the academic year 2024-2025. The student leaders will work to create a positive academic environment and lead various initiatives for the upcoming academic year.